Picture of a white rocket ship on a blue background. Image is being used for a Newswire blog post about a new company launch press release.

How to Write a Company Launch Press Release  

You did it! You officially launched your new company. Now it’s time to share your news with the world.   

A great way to introduce your company to the public is with, you guessed it, a press release.   

A company launch press release is the perfect marketing vehicle to deliver your news to your target audience and attract media attention.  

If you landed on this blog, our guess is you’re ready to share your news, and we’re here to help.  

Keep reading for six tips to write and distribute your company launch press release!  

Six Tips for Writing your Company Launch Press Release  

#1 Press Release Format  

To make sure your company launch press release addresses the most important information, you need to pay close attention to the press release format and include the following:  

Headline – This is the first thing readers see. Make sure it grabs their attention and draws them in to click. Download our Compelling Headlines Smart Start for actionable advice!  

Sub-headline – In this section, you can give readers a quick summary of the story of your company launch. Think of this as a teaser for the rest of your press release.   

Dateline – Located at the beginning of the first paragraph, the dateline includes the location and date. Your dateline lets readers know when and where things are happening.    

Body text – This is the central part of your press release. The body text summarizes your company launch announcement. Provide the most relevant and newsworthy information about your business. Follow the inverted pyramid to include the main points of your announcement.   

At the end of your press release, explain why your company launch addresses a current need or solves a problem.   

Boilerplate – This condensed “About Us” section highlights the most important facts you want people to know about your business. Learn how to write a press release boilerplate.   

Contact information – Include the person’s name, title, phone number, and email for the media to reach out.    

#2 Build a Strong Narrative  

How will your product(s)/service(s) benefit the end user? Build a strong narrative with your press release by:  

  • Focusing on the main product/service your company offers.  
  • Sharing how your company fills a need or solves a problem.   
  • Introduce key staff members who provide one-of-a-kind experience.   

By sharing this type of information, you’ll appeal to your target audience, better your chances of capturing the media’s attention, and secure earned media coverage that boosts brand awareness and reach.   

#3 Include Quotes  

The quotes you include should come from senior-level executives and/or topic matter experts in your organization.   

Press release quotes should highlight why your company is important and align with the main message of your campaign.   

Quotes give journalists something easy to extract from your article and share in their article.    

#4 Add High-Quality Multimedia  

Including high-quality imagery and videos in your campaigns can make them visually appealing to your readers and are excellent ways to break up large blocks of text, improving your campaign’s readability.  

What images could you share in your new company launch press release?  

Here are some ideas:  

  • Company logo  
  • Product imagery   
  • Pictures of key team members  
  • Pictures of your physical office space 

#5 Include a Strong Call-to-Action  

The best way to conclude a campaign is by adding a relevant call-to-action (CTA). Your CTA should motivate people to act and give them clear instructions to stay involved with your business.   

Depending on what you offer, your CTA could:  

  • Promote and highlight a specific product/service  
  • Encourage users to subscribe to your newsletter  
  • Send users to a company Contact Us page  

Offering a follow-up through a CTA at the end of your press release is an effective way to capitalize on the attention.   

#6 Use Trusted Press Release Services  

A company launch press release is important, but getting the maximum number of eyes on the content is even more critical. As a business owner, your to-do list grows by the day, and adding press release distribution seems nearly impossible.   

This is where Newswire comes in.   

With nearly 20 years of experience, we make it easy for companies around the globe to distribute the right message to the right audience at the right time.   

Try our press release distribution services today.   

Maria Marchewka is a Digital Marketing Strategist at Newswire. Maria is an experienced copywriter, social media marketer, content creator, strategist, and project manager. Her firm belief in being a practitioner and not a preacher of marketing concepts has put her in a position to help companies build brand awareness and connect with their target audiences online.

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