How Freelancers Can Leverage the Power of the Press

Freelancers are unlike any other type of business owner. A typical business has a sales department or someone in charge of generating leads and converting them to customers. They have a marketing department as well. All of this means that the entrepreneur can focus on matters like growing their business. They don’t have to personally drum up new business. The freelancer, on the other hand, has the responsibility of being the sales team, the marketing team, the PR team and of course the service provider. They wear a lot of hats.

After a bit of time, often a few years, spent creating marketing systems, a freelancer may be able to settle down and let their reputation and systems do the heavy lifting for them. They can focus on doing their work instead of looking for work. Whether a freelancer is at the early stages of their business or they’re well into success, the press can be leveraged to help build, grow, and sustain a vital and profitable freelance business.


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When you publish a book, you position yourself as a credible expert in your field. For example, let’s say that you’re a freelance graphic designer. You might write a book about the fundamentals of design that every business needs to know. This book can become your calling card. Give it away for free. Advertise it and draw traffic to your website and use it to boost your credibility.

A book can market your freelance business for decades. And prior to launching the book you can issue a press release. You can issue releases announcing events related to the book, like a virtual book signing. You might even host a webinar sharing information contained in the book and then issue a press release about the webinar. Let the power of the press help you market your business calling card.


We just mentioned webinars as a means of promoting a book. You can also create webinars as stand-alone events. These events can serve to build your list, drive traffic, and increase sales. And, of course, you can and should let the media know about your event. If you’ve invited any notable people to speak at your webinar, that’s news. If you have sold out the event, that’s news. If you’re making the event recording accessible to anyone, that’s news. Webinars, live events, and even face-to-face classes are all opportunities to grow your business.


Case studies, white papers, and other informative content related to your business and your audience can also be published. When they’re published, you can and should distribute a press release highlighting the information and the value in the material.

Keep in mind that issuing a press release is just the beginning. Make sure it’s a social media press release to gain the most media attention. Share the release on your blog or website, email it to your list, and leverage the full power of a press release.

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Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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