How to Build Memorable Media Relationships

Creating a personalized “hit list” for your media contacts is important when targeting your audience to receive optimum results. Sending blanket media pitches to a long list of media personalities may occasionally work. However, connecting with media that you have worked with before, usually generates better results. To build solid relationships with key media contacts, it’s important to narrow your media contact list down to the influencers.


How Do You Narrow Down Your List?

Narrow your audience as much as you can. By narrowing your target audience, you also zone in on the media contacts, those who cover your particular audience segment.

Prioritize your media outlet contact list. Organize your list, prioritizing media personnel your audience frequently responds to. The importance of doing so, allows you to contact those people first.

Work on tailoring your pitches. Sometimes media outlets can have a similar focus, yet have different nuances or angles regarding how and what information is presented. Make sure you give each media outlet and personality the info needed to grab their target audiences’ attention and keep their interest.

As you build your media contact relationship, get to know the person better. Ask what they’re working on. If they’re currently working on something that is right up your alley, offer your expertise, without asking for anything in return.

Do not neglect social media, it is the key way of communication between journalists and their audience.

When speaking with journalists and writers, you need to respect the fact that they receive many requests. By giving you their time, they are giving you a chance to build a mutually beneficial relationship. Don’t jerk them around. Be available when they need you. Don’t waste their time. Above all, make sure you respect their deadlines. These usually have a time range of days, not weeks. Respond quickly and make sure to meet the due dates that they give you.

One further note on this – Make sure never to sound annoyed when press or media contacts call you. They may not always choose the perfect time in your day to contact you, but it will go a long way in building the relationship if you’re pleasant whenever they call.

Make sure to be persistent, but not annoying. Many writers, editors, and influencers receive large numbers of press releases and story ideas on a daily basis. They don’t generally respond to every single one. Keep this in mind when you’re sending your ideas in. Keep your contact consistent, but polite and respectful.

One last tip we like to offer is to make sure that your website is press-friendly.

How can your website be geared towards your own PR?

  • Include a “Press” link on your homepage.
  • Display the contact information for press/media contacts on your site.
  • Create a press kit for your company that can be downloaded. This kit should include a brief company overview (a paragraph or two – tops!), high res photos of key products/employees, high res logo file, etc.

Include your press releases either in their own section of your website or in their own category on your company’s blog.

Call us today to speak to one of our PR specialists: 1-800-713-7278

Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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