How Do Press Releases Fit Into Your Marketing Mix?

Press releases should be an essential part of your marketing mix, for a number of reasons. Press releases can be an invaluable marketing tool if you set your goal for each clearly and follow through with a call to action. Here are some ways to use a press release, and the call to action that will help boost your marketing success.

Sharing news

Press releases allow you to share the big news at your company. Reasons to send out a press release include:

Product launches
Awards and recognitions

And so on.

Sending out a press release about these sorts of topics puts you in the news and creates the impression you are someone worth paying attention to.

Publicizing live events

If you are going to be hosting a live event, there are a number of important reasons for sending out at least one press release. Once the date is decided, and the type of event, send out a ‘save the date’ press release and ask for donations of raffle prizes, volunteers and so on. Send out regular releases every so often in the lead up to the event. As the date nears, send out a press release to remind everyone that it is on. Include day, date, time and so on.

Reporting on an event that just took place

Once the event has taken place, report on what happened. Include quotes, media and important details to show it was worth attending, how much funding it raised, and so on.

Brand awareness

All of the abovementioned types of press releases raise awareness of your brand. They create the perception that you are worth paying attention to and doing business with. Each release should tell readers a little bit about who you are, what your mission is, and what your level of expertise is.

Traffic to your site

No matter what your main marketing goal is in relation to each press release you send out, you are bound to get more traffic to your site, for a number of reasons.

i-giving them a link to click to learn more, so everyone who does so means more traffic for you

ii-media pickups will also drive traffic to your site

iii-search engine optimization (SEO)- by using keywords related to your brand, business and industry, you will get free traffic from the search engines. Keywords also make your content more discoverable. If a journalist is scanning through the headlines for content about that topic, or running a search in the site’s search box, they could find you easily.

iv-social sharing. Most press release distribution services have share buttons for all of the main social networks, so people can share your release with just the click of a button. Journalists might share with their followers, and their followers, who might be other journalists, or ordinary people, might share the information as well.

Subscribers and sales

Use a clear call to action in each release and you will be able to achieve your marketing goals, such as subscribers and sales.

If you are not already using press releases regularly, it’s time to add this powerful tool to your marketing mix.

Call us today to speak to one of our PR specialists: 1-800-713-7278

Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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