How Do I Know If I Need to Do a Press Release

The first thing you need to think about when determining if you need to do a press release is the reader. You want to create content that will benefit the reader – and in doing so you will create content that will benefit the media outlet. The benefits can be direct (like a giveaway or contest) or indirect (like a new service or opportunity). The important thing is that the reader will walk away with more than they had before they read the content.

Anything can be a reason for writing a press release, when crafted with reader focus. Be on the watch for special events or moments that can be crafted into stories worth sharing.

Times to Write a Press Release

Special event – If your company or your employees are part of a unique event that benefits others.

Award – When you or your employees receive special awards or recognitions within the industry.

New product release – Share the benefits that the new product will provide to clients.

Starting a business – Share the news of what you are going to do for the community.

Celebrating a milestone – Connect these events to success of clients, customers, or activities within the community.

Announce the expansion of the company or product lines – This could easily connect to job growth for the area.

Announce the hiring of a new position or the formation of a new position – This could connect to the community of the new employee.

Offering giveaways – Readers are always excited about the chance to get things for free.

Events – When you are sponsoring or involved with local community events.

Workshops and seminars – Share learning opportunities that you are leading.

Connection to current event – If you or your company is connected to high profile news events (maybe you are offering a new product to help deal with pollution or a new app to monitor your teenager’s driving).

Speaking engagement – Any time speaking engagement can be used in a story to relate to your company or business.

Contests – Sponsoring contests for customers or for the community can offer a great chance to share your stories.

Advancements in the industry – Stories that feature advancements in your industry can be used to focus on your business.

Employee achievements – Always find a way to highlight the achievements of your employees.

The best press release features content that entertains, informs, or engages the reader. There are almost no limits to the reasons you should write a press release. As long as you can find a way to make it newsworthy and have a value that the reader will appreciate, you should consider writing the story.

The more you learn about the media outlets and their interests, the easier it will be to take the moments of your business or company and create stories to share. Always look for the hook that will capture the attention of the media and the reader focus that will make them want to pass the story on. Any event can be a great reason for writing a press release when you word your story with the right focus.

ACCESS FOR FREE, Ultimate Guide to How to Write a Press Release

Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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