E-Commerce Media Pitches Best Practices
Every industry has its own bag of tricks and tactics to get good press and publicity. The same is true for e-commerce brands. You must tap into the consumer’s wants and needs, and communicate your solution in an interesting way. To get the kind of press coverage you want, it helps to have a solid understanding of e-commerce media pitches best practices.
Use Data
Media representatives may be interested in your story idea but if your pitch does not go far enough, you might lose out to your competition! Adding data and backing up your story idea with factual evidence can really help your pitch. Why? Media representatives have a big job to do when they write a story. If you do some of the legwork for them (or at least start the process), then they will feel more comfortable writing your story. Including relevant and needed information in your release jumpstarts their work.
Additionally, adding data to your pitch shows that you take them seriously, and that you’ve done your research. It boosts your credibility and authority.
Include Your Customer Experience
You have customers; use them. Share their stories in your pitch.Leverage customer quotes for testimonials in pitches and/or interviews. Include the most interesting and relevant ones depending what is being talked about. This adds human interest to your idea and lends to your authority and credibility as well.
Do Your Homework
This is true for every industry, and especially true for e-commerce brands that sometimes forget. Do your homework. Pitch your story to someone who covers your niche and industry. Make sure the journalist, blogger, radio host, etc. has the audience you want to target. You can ruin relationships by pitching to the wrong person. Double check your pitch list after creating it!
Create a content platform. Create your media relationships and your Press and PR strategy. Research your audience and your media reps. Once you’ve done that legwork, then it’s time to start pitching to the media. Keep in mind that while this may seem like a lot of work, getting media coverage for your business can have a tremendous impact on your business. It can be the step that takes you to the next level.
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