Content Tactics That Strengthen Authority and Credibility

Credibility and authority are two emotions and attributes that make sales. We buy from businesses we believe to be knowledgeable and experts in their industry. The biggest tool that you have to communicate your authority and credibility is content. Let’s take a look at 7 tactics that you can leverage to communicate this message to your audience.


  1. Interview an Expert

Sometimes authority and credibility can be boosted by leveraging the expert status of others. And when you share their expert knowledge and information with your audience in the form of an interview, you provide value while boosting your credibility. This is a fun and powerfully effective content creation method.

Reach out to a handful of experts in your niche or a complimentary niche. Interview them on a subject that impacts your audience and share the interview. You can record it and create a video or audio. You can also share the transcript of that interview.

  1. Guest Blog Post

Publish content on other popular and relevant blogs. Share your expert knowledge with others with guest blog posts. You’ll not only reach a different audience, you can also promote your guest blog posts with your audience and enhance your credibility with them.

Link to the guest posts on social media and tell your email subscribers too. Promote your guest blog posts to get the most out of them.  You gain increased awareness and credibility by publishing on other blogs and websites.

  1. Publish A Guest Blog Post on Your Site

This tactic is like the interview tactic. Invite industry leaders and experts to publish on your blog. You can promote their blog posts and build your credibility through your connection with them.

  1. Create Information Products

Publishing books, reports, case studies, courses, and white papers all help build your credibility and authority. We tend to give expert status to people who publish. It’s a tremendous calling card for your business. You can give your information products away as an opt-in offer, you can sell them and earn a nice profit, and you can promote the products and earn exposure.

  1. Write Press Releases and Get Media Coverage

When your organization has something to announce, like a charity event, a product launch, a partnership, or a new study, leverage the power of the press to get credibility. When the media talks about your company, people listen. It’s one of the best ways to leverage content to strengthen your brand’s credibility and authority.

  1. Leverage Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is the tactic of getting a social media influencer or blogger to mention your products or services. Think about it like this, if Bill Gates talks on Facebook about your great software product, your website traffic, and sales are going to skyrocket.

  1. Provide Specific Information

When you create content, make sure that your information is specific. For example, don’t write a report on how to repair your car, write a report on how to change your brakes. Provide details, facts, data, and specific steps. This helps your reader more than you can imagine. And when you help them solve a problem or learn something important, they view you as a credible source of information.

Leverage one tactic at a time. Add them to your content marketing plan and measure your results. Authority and credibility in your content message make a big difference in your traffic, engagement, and sales.

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Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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