Basic Elements Of a Press Release For Attorneys

Creating a press release for attorneys can be a challenge. There are limitations to what can be shared in the normal workings of the attorneys and their firms. Focusing on elements of the individual – the unique story of the journey of the attorney can be one way to bridge the gap. Finding stories that connect the attorney to the community through volunteer work or activities that involve (but may not be directly related) to the law are also ways to develop a press release that will get the attention of media outlets.

It is difficult to publish a press release with pending litigation, however, you can leverage press releases to showcase your work and client services. For those who want to learn more about content or brand protection, our friends at G2 Crowd published an interesting article regarding trademark vs copyright. Press Releases are a great method to publish a impactful announement with your company or firm.

Whatever angle you choose to take when creating a press release for attorneys, it is important that you understand the basic elements of the press release so that you can conform to the industry standards.

Know the Basic Elements of a Press Release for Attorneys

  • The Headline – the headline must get the attention of the media outlets. Remember that you are competing against a pile of documents. A shocking, unique, or intriguing headline will help you get through to the next round.
  • The Intro – the first paragraph will give the outline of the story for the media professions. It needs to be concise but still packed with information. The first paragraph also needs to flow in an inviting way so that the media professionals continue to read.
  • The Body – the body of the press release will provide more details to the story. Use your words to paint an image for the journalists or producers so that they can see the story. Include the facts within the story instead of making them a list of facts.
  • The Quotes – adding quotes to a story will help to personalize the story. Quotes can be specific to your story (from those involved in the story) or can relate to your story (from other influencers that have dealt with the situation or circumstances as well).
  • The Links – it is important to make it easy for the media outlets to share your story. Include links to your social media accounts and your website – embedded in the email when possible so the reader only needs to click the link. Link them to related videos or online content that you have created.
  • The Images – adding a visual element to your story makes the story one that is more likely to be shared. Include a link to photos or graphics that will enhance the story and also make it easier for the media outlets to share the complete (and visual) story to their audiences.

Learn the industry format to keep your press release from being tossed to the side. Check for grammar and spelling issues. Follow links to be certain they lead to the right location.

The press release pile can be overwhelming for media outlets. Journalists and producers sift through hundreds each week. Sticking to the industry guidelines will help your press release avoid being tossed to the side. Developing the basic elements of your attorney press release can give your story what it needs to rise to the top.

Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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