Press Release Distribution – Do You Have A Strategy?

Many marketers have heard about the importance of press releases in their marketing mix. However, most of them do not have a press release distribution strategy that can help them make the most of each press release they send out.


Most marketers issue a press release rather haphazardly. They publish one when there is something newsworthy, and leave it at that. The truth is that you have to have more than just a ëone and doneí mentality when it comes to creating press releases.

Press releases are just one part of your marketing mix but can reinforce it in a number of ways if you create and use it correctly.

Brand building

Studies have shown that it takes at least 17 exposures for a consumer to start to pay attention to and recognize a brand, let alone consider buying from it. This being the case, the more channels you market your business in, the more likely your chances of being discovered.

Press release distribution services can give you a huge return on investment with each release you publish because these services are used by a range of media professionals. Some work for newspapers and magazines. Others are freelancers or popular bloggers, all with their own audiences. Some are also social media influencers.

The more media pickups you get, the more word spreads about your company. If your target audience then sees you in a range of places, they start to recognize you. Multiple exposures in a range of locations also create the perception that you are everywhere and therefore worth paying attention to.

Making the most of the pickups

Part of your strategy should be to dig deeply into your distribution service report once your press release has been published. If you do get a media pickup, research the outlet carefully to see who they are and whether or not they are worth cultivating. In many cases, you might find them to be a hard-working professional interested in more of the same kind of content if you can pitch to them like a pro. They might also be interested in finding an expert they can consult about key issues to do with your niche or industry. This gives you, even more, chances to spread the word about your products and services.

Giving your press release a fighting chance in a crowded market

Distribution services publish hundreds of press releases per day. How can you stand out from the pack? By writing a high-quality press release using keywords in the headline, subhead and lead content. If you add media, such as images, infographics, and videos, your press release will also be three times more likely to get picked up than those which donít.

If you have not been sending out any press releases, itís time to get started, sending out each release you create in a strategic manner, as part of your overall marketing mix. If you have been sending them out willy-nilly, then itís time to develop an effective press release distribution strategy that will help you get the best return on investment in terms of time, effort, and money spent with the distribution service of your choice.

Call us today to speak to one of our PR specialists: 1-800-713-7278

Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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