Reposting Rules – Press Release Marketing

There are many facets to a good press release marketing strategy. The first and foremost is to make sure that you have a solid press release schedule. Now that might be one press release a month with a clear cut plan on the “news” you’re sharing. The news can include events, product launches, and new information or studies, among many other things. Your strategy should also include a distribution plan. Your plan should include who, how, and when you’re going to disseminate your press release out into the world. And that’s where the concept of reposting comes into play. Should you repost? What are the rules, guidelines, and best practices?


Reposting On Your Website

Generally speaking, when you distribute your press release, it will be posted on a large number of media outlets. If you repost the press release on your blog or website, you may run into duplicate content issues with search engine algorithms. However, that may not matter to you. It depends on your goals. It is always a good idea to have press releases available on your website, and they’re usually located on your media page. One option is to include links to the press releases rather than to repost them directly onto your site’s page. This way the information is available to reporters but you don’t have to deal with duplicate content issues.

Reposting On Social Media

Social media press releases can be a terrific way to garner both media attention and to generate awareness for your business and brand. There also aren’t the same issues that you might face regarding duplicate content. However, there are some general rules regarding reposting your press release on social media.

The first is to make sure your audience is present on your chosen social media site. If you post on Twitter, but you don’t really have a presence or an audience on Twitter, then reposting your release doesn’t make much sense.

The second rule of thumb is to make people aware of the fact that you’re publishing a press release. You might actually put the words “press release” in the post. This helps create transparency and it can improve your engagement.

Finally, add some social media friendly features to your release. These include (but aren’t limited to) images and media; people share information more readily if it contains images or media.  Also consider including social share buttons to make it easier to engage.

Reposting Via Email

A third option is to repost your press release and send it to your email list. Make sure your list is going to care about the information. As with social media, make sure they know it’s a press release too. You might include the words “press release” in your subject line.

Reposting your press release is a way to gain further traction from your news. However, it’s always important to make sure you embrace best practices. If your distribution and reposting strategy supports your goals and fits basic guidelines, then repost away.

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Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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