4 Social Media Sites Journalists Use to Get Story Ideas and Information

Gone are the days when journalists get their stories strictly from press releases that arrive on their desks. Personal connections outside the office aren’t necessary for journalists to know what’s going on. They can, and do, find good story ideas on social media. This is why the social media press release has grown in popularity, as have good business social media content marketing efforts.

When you have a solid presence on social media, journalists will be able to learn more about who you are and what you’re about. They may come across a post, a press release, or a content link. However, not all social media sites are created equally in the eyes of journalists. They tend to stick with a few because they’re most popular, and because it’s an easy way to stay informed and keep their fingers on the pulse of their readers.

Facebook – Facebook takes the lead with journalists. While many of them are present on Twitter, and they do use Twitter, they tend to find their stories on Facebook. Why? Because conversations are longer on Facebook. People share their thoughts, opinions, and have conversations on Facebook. Businesses, of course, share brand messages as well. And there is the powerful visual component of Facebook. It’s easy to share pictures, memes, and videos.

LinkedIn – Industry-focused journalists and media representatives use LinkedIn to say abreast of what’s going on in their industry. Not only can they access profiles and backgrounds for industry leaders, they can also stay on top of the latest news, trends, and hot topics. LinkedIn content is approached differently than Facebook content. You’re generally connecting with other industry professionals on LinkedIn, whereas Facebook is about marketing and connecting with your audience.

Twitter – As previously mentioned, the chances are high that the media representatives you’re focusing on have Twitter accounts. Connect with them. Follow them. Then make sure to share relevant, interesting, and useful Tweets. Connect with your audience and provide value on a consistent basis. While journalists are on Twitter and they’re reviewing the trending topics and industry news, Twitter moves quickly. If you’re not consistently active on it, you may be missing out.

Your Blog – Finally, don’t forget about your blog. Your blog may be the most important social media connection that you can make with journalists and the media. Your blog is where they’ll be able to gain in-depth information about your company, including information about your audience, your team, and your products or services.

A comprehensive content marketing strategy that embraces blog posts, social media posts, and press releases helps put you into the best position to attract media attention and get coverage for your business.

Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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