5 Ideas for Your Crowdfunding Press Release
Press releases are a terrific way to create momentum and interest for your crowdfunding campaign. It can be a bit tricky, however, to come up with press release ideas that are newsworthy when you’re only just getting started. These five ideas will help.
The Benefit to Your Buyer – What Do They Have to Gain?
Write a press release from the angle of your buyer. This is a foolproof approach and it is always newsworthy. Your release information focuses on the benefit. What problem does your product solve? For example, a press release for a bike that folds up to fit in a briefcase can focus on the fact that the bike won’t get stolen. This type of approach will appeal to both investors who think it’s a great idea, future buyers who are looking forward to making a purchase, and journalists who are looking to cover a story their audience will be interested in.
The Number of Investors You’ve Received
One common approach to crowdfunding press releases is to wait to issue a release until you have some campaign momentum. The theory is that no journalist will care about your story until your investors do. So, once you have a number of investors and your campaign is taking off, then you issue a press release. You can take a few different approaches with this philosophy. You can write a press release about the number of investors your campaign has, or the limited number of spots left available. Or you can simply take the first tack and talk about what investors have to gain, but you’ll wait until you have momentum rather than distributing the release on your launch day.
Your Story – If Potato Salad Can Sell…
Stories sell and they capture attention. Do you remember the story of the family potato salad crowdfunding campaign? Zack Brown just wanted $10 to make potato salad. Instead, he earned more than $8,000 via a Kickstarter campaign. His story sold and spread quickly. It was quirky, people could invest just a few bucks, and it grabbed media attention. What’s your company or product story? How might it grab the attention of potential investors or the media?
What Investors Receive
Are you giving away something unique with your crowdfunding campaign? Zack decided to host a potato salad party and share the recipe that he used when he made his potato salad. Your investors probably get some pretty good deals. A craft cider company may give away a year’s worth of free cider, while a foldable bike company might give away a free bike and helmet. If you’re giving away something that your investors might value or find unique, that could be your news and your angle.
Your Big Why – What Problem Do You Solve?
Let’s go back to the reason that most people pay attention to content, any content; they want to know what’s in it for them and how you’ll make their life better. Tackle your crowdfunding press release from this angle and you’re on the path to success.
There’s no reason that you cannot try all of these approaches, and more, when drumming up press and publicity for your crowdfunding campaign. Leveraging the power of a press release and combining that with distribution and social media can help your campaign be a success.