4 Reasons to Send Your Press Release to Industry Professionals
Looking for other opportunities to distribute your press release and maximize your press release marketing campaign? Consider sending your release to industry professionals. These people should be in complementary or supporting industries. Before you decide, consider the following potentially compelling reasons.
They May Reprint It
If you believe that the industry professional’s audience may benefit from the information contained in your press release, consider sending it to them. They may reprint it on their blog and share the information with their readers. It is very important, however, not to burn bridges and send random press releases to everyone you can think of. Make sure there’s an apparent benefit for them and their audience. Ask yourself, “What’s in it for them?” before you send.
They May Share It Via Social Media
Just as an industry professional may reprint your press release, they may also consider sharing it on their social media pages. Again, it’s important to your reputation as a professional to make sure that there is value and relevance. You wouldn’t send a press release about a new fitness product to a top blogger that focuses on technology unless your fitness product is a technological advancement.
They May Blog/Write About It
Continuing with the example about the release of a new fitness product being sent to a tech blogger, you may hit the jackpot when the blogger decides to review the product or write about it on their blog. Make sure, if this is a potential opportunity for you and your goal for reaching out to this professional, that you make it apparent that you’re willing to give them access to your products or services to review or sample.
Potential Partnerships
There’s also the potential for an industry professional to reach out to you to offer a potential partnership or business relationship. For example, the tech blogger may like your fitness product so much that they’d like to become an affiliate and help you promote it. There is occasionally a potential to make money by reaching out to industry professionals with your press release.
Quid Pro Quo
Sometimes the relationship between your industry and theirs may be suitable to a mutual exchange. For example, they may be happy to link to your press release from their social media feed if you do the same for them. Be careful about these types of relationships and make sure they’re in the best interests of you and your audience.
Before You Hit Send
Before you hit send and email your press release to industry professionals, make sure to determine your goal. What do you want to achieve? Write a personal message that supports your goal. For example, if you’d like them to review your new products or services tell them that, and let them know what’s in it for them. Do they get referral payments? Do they get a free product to review and keep? Always be professional and polite. It’s okay to follow-up once if you don’t hear back from them.