3 Simple Ways to Leverage New Media and Get Attention
Are you familiar with “new media? If you’re reading this, you are. New media is simply a catch-all phrase for Internet media. Social media, news sites, blogs, and online magazines are all new media. So, you see, you’ve already been using and participating in new media. And yet, you may not be leveraging it as much as you could to get the attention you want for your business.
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1. Work the Headline
Whether you’re posting on social media or distributing a press release, the headline is the critical key to success. If your headline doesn’t work, then it doesn’t matter how great the rest of your press release is because no one will know. Your headline needs to grab attention. This happens with information, with value, with keywords, and a promise. As you review your headline, consider the following questions:
- Is your headline controversial?
- Does your headline evoke emotions?
- Does your headline have impact?
- Is your news exclusive? If so, the headline needs to convey that information.
- Is your idea current, timely, and relevant? Does your headline convey that information?
This is what new media outlets are seeking, and it’s what will grab their attention.
2. Leverage Existing News
Every day there are new announcements, research, and news. Pay attention to what’s going on in your industry and capitalize on the news. For example, if you’re in the technology industry and there are rumors of a new technology being released, you can hijack that news and tie your own company technology or future launches into a press release. This strategy works because media outlets are looking for information on the trending news or topic. Choose the right headline and keyword tags and you’ll naturally be on their radar.
3. Make Sure Your News is Captivating
It’s imperative that your news is compelling. There’s just too much noise and competition out there. Your news must be strong. So what is strong and captivating news? It’s news that impacts people. For example, ABC Company hires a new CEO. Is that news? Well its news to the people who work for ABC Company, but probably not for the rest of the world. That news isn’t going to grab media attention. However, if you can add some personal interest, controversy, or an exclusive announcement, then that makes it news.
New media isn’t really new, but it is powerful. If you want to grab the attention of the media and popular news outlets then it’s important to make sure you’re giving them something to talk about. Finally, remember that distributing your news through social media, email and your website along with press release distribution sites can help you get your information in front of the right people.