10 Tips: Storytelling In Social Networks

There are a number of ways to tell your story on the social networks that can help build your brand. While it is true that each network is slightly different, there are a few key elements that can make your stories stand out.


1-Study Other Storytellers

Study your competition. What stories are they telling? How does your story compare? Pick up a few of the most important details to show that you are on a par with your competition.

2-Show Your Personality and Uniqueness

Once you’ve shown how you compare, emphasize the differences to make your brand stand out as unique. Create a style and personality that suits your brand, mission, and goals and create every piece of content so it is consistent with that personality and voice.

3-Make It Shareable

Create content that is more likely to be shared. Infographics, high-quality images, memes, top 5 lists, checklists and so on, all have a greater potential of being shared than endless sales-pitch types of posts. Create a variety of formats to cater to the different interests and learning styles of your target audience.

4-Use Different Media

Keywords are obviously important, but keyword-titled media can also help you get discovered and will add to the story. Images, video, PowerPoint presentations, thumbnails of your decks and videos, infographics, book covers, screenshots and more, can all help tell your story and make your presentation more compelling.

5-Tweet updates to share your story

Tweets are short but can help drive more traffic to your updates, such as a new blog post that advances your story, so to speak. It can be a milestone in your business, a new product, and so on. Insider glimpses into what’s going on behind the scenes will always be of interest.

6-Leverage YouTube

Market using YouTube by creating short, sharp video. Keyword all of the content in terms of title and description to make your channel more discoverable.

7-Use the Essentials of a Good Story

Make sure your story has a beginning, middle and ending. The ending should be a happy one. The length of the story and the number of chapters will be up to you. Keep them following along by sequencing the story, keeping your social media postings short and sweet but with each one also moving the story forward.

8-Emotionally Connect With Your Audience

Tell your story in a way others can relate to. Think of the formula of problem, solution, resolution. For example, tell how you struggled for years with bad acne until you were desperate enough to come up with your own solution right in your own kitchen. People who have the same problem will connect with you emotionally in terms of the misery of acne and the self-consciousness it causes, and the joy of finding a product that really works in solving the issue and getting clear skin.

8-Be Honest

Don’t make yourself sound like Mother Theresa if you’re really just in business for the money. Don’t create a tale of rags to riches with you starting your company in a garage if you come from a wealthy family who handed you your company.

9-Be consistent

Tell the same story in all of your materials. All of your materials should have the same look and style in terms of colors, fonts, logos and more that capture the uniqueness of your brand.

10-Keep it short and simple (KISS)

Use the KISS formula to keep your story short, simple, and on point. Choose only details that further your story.

Use these 10 tips and see how powerful your storytelling on the social networks can be.

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Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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