10 Steps to Take Before You Distribute Your Press Release

Before you hit “send” on your press release it’s important to make sure all the I’s have been dotted and the t’s have been crossed. This 10-point list will help make sure your press release is near perfect.


  1. Read it aloud for clarity and simplicity. Does it say what you want and need it to say? This is the first step because it can solve a lot of problems and make subsequent steps easier. Keep a pen with you and consider printing the press release so you can write down your changes as you read it aloud.
  2. Make sure it is newsworthy – really. If you’re not sure, ask someone else to read it. Newsworthiness means that the information is relevant and interesting to your reader. Ask yourself “Why would they care?” If you can’t answer it effectively, then it’s not newsworthy; rewrite it.
  3. Spell check it with your computer. Run a spelling and grammar check on your release. It will catch the most obvious errors, but don’t just accept all the changes without review. Sometimes the computer software gets it wrong.
  4. Edit it or ask someone else to edit it. This includes proofreading for spelling and grammar but also editing for clarity and the most effective sentence structure. This step will help ensure that nothing is missed and that your press release is perfect. Nothing kills credibility faster than a spelling error.
  5. Read the distribution or submission guidelines. Before you distribute to a press release service, or before you pitch to a publication or media representative, read the guidelines. Make sure your press release fits the criteria and that you’ve taken all the necessary steps. Then and only then will it be ready to submit on this channel.
  6. Make sure your contact information is on the press release. This is obvious, but it’s one that is often forgotten or overlooked.
  7. Make sure all names are spelled correctly. Spell check and editors won’t necessarily catch the misspelling of someone’s last name. Double-check the spelling of all names before you distribute.
  8. Double check your links. Do they work? Links are often embedded into a press release. They help readers (and the media) take the next step. They provide access to more information, and they provide interest. Make sure they work before you distribute.
  9. Check image size and capacity. Make sure your images are compatible with the distribution channel you’re using. For example, if you’re distributing via email then the image size will need to be quite small to ensure that it loads quickly for your recipients.
  10. Does it communicate your message? Finally, make sure that the press release content – including your quotes and images – correctly represent and communicate who you are and what your story is about.

Run through these steps before each press release to avoid costly errors. It’s a great way to make the best impression possible and to get the most from your press release efforts. Distribution is a proven method of increasing press release engagement and it’s strengthened with a quality press release.

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Anthony Santiago is Director of Marketing at Newswire. With over a decade of experience in PR, he helps ensure that clients understand the value of brand messaging and reach.

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